Proton mail server settings
Proton mail server settings

Many of the activities we carry out on the internet leave a trail of data that can be used to track our behavior and access some personal information. WikipediaĪbout Privacy Tools, Tracking, Surveillance and Encryption Transparency reports and warrant canaries have an important role to play in the fight against illegal and unconstitutional national security process, including National Security Letters and other secret court processes. Submit Your Suggestion What is a Warrant Canary?Ī term for a regularly published statement that a service provider has not received legal process that it would be prohibited from saying it had received, such as a national security letter.

proton mail server settings

It has been tagged with Closed-Source, since the company decided not to release the source code to the public.

proton mail server settings

It has been audited, is available cross-platform, under active development, and it's easy to use. More details about our project funding.Įxample: NordPass ticks off most boxes of our criteria. Generally, our sponsors follow the same ideology and fulfill most criteria innately. Sponsorships: Entries tagged with can be exempted from the criteria.

Proton mail server settings